Before you can create or configure Hospitality Formulas you have to make sure the different elements on which these Hospitality Formulas rely, have been created and configured correctly. 

After reading this article you will understand which settings you have to complete before you can create and manage Hospitality Formulas

Let's get you started.

There are 3 different areas in the iXpole Back-office where you will have to verify if everything is set correctly to create Hospitality Formulas.

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1. Product Configuration

Before you can create/configure the different Hospitality Formulas for your Event, you have to make sure

2. Configuration of Hospitality Locations

Hospitality Formulas are 'served' in certain Hospitality Locations. It is therefore necessary that you

3. Configuration of Planning

In iXpole it is possible to link a different planning to each Hospitality Formula. We call this Contextual Planning. Obviously you will have to first create the Planning first, before you can link it to a Hospitality Formula