It is possible to configure account settings for each account registered in iXpole. They can be managed in the Back-Office by iXpole users. But they can also be managed by a VIP Portal user himself, if he belongs to the account and if he has the proper rights to do so.

After reading this article you will find your way to the different articles explaining you how to manage the different account settings on the VIP Portal

Let's get you started 

When you click on Accounts in the personal preferences menu in the top-right corner (by clicking on your userID (email address)), the system will show you a page with all your Account Settings.

Image Placeholder

On this page, there are 3 major sections to analyse

Your account

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One user can be part of different organisations (Accounts). As this page aims at allowing you to manage the settings of an Account, you will first have to select the relevant Account from this drop down menu.

Obviously, when your userID is linked to only one Account, this Account name will show and there will be no dropdown menu to select another Account name from.

Your settings menu

Under the Account name(s), the VIP Portal will show a menu with different options for you to manage.

The settings section

On the right side of the settings menu, the VIP Portal will show an overview of different settings that can be managed.

Depending on what you have selected in the menu on the left side, the information on the right side will vary.