Managing VIP Hospitality is totally different from the classic ticketing business. Companies who have purchased hospitality packages should be able to invite their Guests. With iXpole we take it one step further, we allow them to manage their Guests in an address book.

By automating all the processes and storing all the data, we can provide interesting statistics to the user about the guests and their attendance in the past.

After reading this article, you will be able to locate the address book in your VIP Portal and will be able to configure Guests in the address book: adding, editing and removing.

Let's get you started

In this article we will explain the different aspects related to the management of Guests on the VIP Portal.

  1. The Guest Card
  2. Searching for a Guest
  3. Adding a Guest
  4. Editing a Guest
  5. Removing a Guest

On the VIP Portal click on the userID (email address) in the top-right corner of your screen.
Click on Accounts

In the left menu click on Guests

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On the right-side next to the menu you will see all of the Guests registered in the system (linked to this specific account), organised in Guest Cards.

Important remark: Guests are also linked to an Account. If a VIP Portal user is linked to multiple Accounts he will have to maintain multiple address books. If you can not find a previously invited Guest in your address book, check one of the address books under another Account. Maybe last time you invited him from another Account.

The Guest Gard
The Guest Card contains the most important information related to this Guest, including 2 interesting pieces of info:

  • When was the last time this Guest was invited by someone from this Account
  • How many times in total has this Guest been invited this season

Searching for a guest

On the top of the screen you’ll find a search bar.

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As you type in more characters, the search engine will instantly reflect this change in its search results

If you want to cancel the search, delete all characters in the search bar.

Adding a guest
Click on the AddGuest(s) button on the right upper side of the overview.
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You will be shown a Guest Card, which can be edited.

Make sure to click Save at the end of your operation.

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Editing an existing Guest
If you want to modify a specific Guest, locate the Guest Card and click on the Pencil in the top-right corner of the Card.
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You will be shown a Guest Card, which can be edited. Make sure to click Save at the end of your operation.

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Removing a guest
When you are in the Edit Address menu, click on the Action button and click on Delete
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