One of the major strengths of the VIP Portal is that you can make it possible for the users of your VIP Portal to download their invoices or other documents through the VIP Portal.

As this is the same portal where they manage their tickets, they can no longer hide behind the excuse that they didn’t receive their invoices. Their invoices can be downloaded, just like their tickets.

This article will teach you how and where you can make invoices and other documents available to your customers on the VIP Portal.

Let's get you started

In this article we’ll discuss two topics

  1. Prerequisites for your VIP Portal users to be able to download their sales documents
  2. Where can I find these documents


First of all, the pdf copy of the invoice or of the other sales document needs to be uploaded into the iXpole Back-Office, linked to the sale/order.

If there is an automated interface between iXpole and the invoicing system, this will probably happen automatically

Where can I find these documents?

On the VIP Portal click on the userID (email address) in the top-right corner of your screen.

Click on Accounts

In the left menu click on Orders

If there is an invoice (or another document) linked to a specific order, it will be shown at the bottom of the order Card. By clicking on it, the VIP Portal user can download it.

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