The settings related to a VIP Portal user are stored in the iXpole Back-Office. The VIP Portal just provides another channel to access this data.

  • The iXpole Back-Office user can update the user data through the iXpole Back-Office interface
  • A VIP Portal user, if he has the proper rights, can edit the user data of different VIP Portal users via the VIP Portal. Any update to this data will be registered directly in the Back-Office. The VIP Portal is merely another channel to access the data in the Back-Office.

In this article we give an overview of the different aspects involved in configuring VIP Portal users on the VIP Portal.

Let’s get you started

When you click on Accounts in the personal preferences menu in the top-right corner (by clicking on your userID (email address)), the system will show you a page with all your Account Settings.
Click on Users
Image Placeholder
On the Users overview (right side of the page) you will be able to undertake different actions to manage VIP Portal users.

We will break it down in 3 different topics 

  1. Understanding the VIP Portal user overviewVIP Portal user overview
  2. Configuring VIP Portal users VIP Portal users
  3. Configuring user rights of VIP Portal users