The more self-service options you offer to your customers, the more you have to ensure they have the proper status and rights to perform certain actions in self-service mode.

iXpole allows to assign a status and different rights to these users. And, depending on these rights, some users can manage these statuses and rights for other users.

When you have read this article you will understand the different Roles which can be assigned to a user of the VIP Portal: the ticket role, the administrator role, the purchasing role and the role of default contact person.

Let's get you started

Following is an overview of the different rights that have an impact on what a user can do. We will discuss these rights in detail below:

  1. Administrator right
  2. Purchasing right
  3. Ticket role
  4. Default user

On the VIP Portal click on the userID (email address) in the top-right corner of your screen.
Click on Accounts 
In the left menu click on Users 
To edit a user Card, click on the pencil in the right top corner of the user Card.

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Administrator rights

You will see an Action button on the left-bottom of the Card.
Click on the Action button.

This is where you can Make someone an Administrator or Remove his Admin(istrator) rights.

When a user is assigned as administrator, the user can

  • Edit the Account data of the Account he is registered under
  • Manage the Users under this Account
  • Edit the addresses of the Account
  • View the entire order history, including invoices. Online admin automatically allows this user to purchase items online for this account as well.

Purchaser rights 
You will see an Action button on the left-bottom of the card.
Click on the Action button

This is where you can Make someone a Purchaser or Remove his Purchaser rights.

When a user is assigned as a Purchaser he is able to perform online purchases under this Account. Provided that the Account settings (in the Back-Office) allow for this Account to perform online purchases.

Ticket role

Under the VIP Portal user’s settings you can find a setting called Ticket Role. This role determines which rights this user has with regard to ticket management:

  • All – A user with this role can see/manage all tickets that have been sold under this account
  • Contract  A user with this role can only see/manage the tickets that have been sold under a sale to which his profile was explicitly linked.
  • None – A user with this role does not have access to the VIP Portal.

Note that the ticket role ‘none’ is not the same as the setting “deactivate user’: A user who has been deactivated can not be used for any operation anymore, not even in the back-office. A user with the ticket role ‘None’ is still considered as a regular contact for all back-office operations: sales, mailings, …

Default user

You will see an Action button on the left-bottom of the Card.
Click on the Action button

This is where you can Make someone a Default contact or not.

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Only one user can be Default User.

The default user is the user who will be contacted by default when generic mails have to be sent to 1 person within the Account. He is -so to speak- the main contact within the Account