All your contacts are displayed in this view. Following fields can be used.
Field | Description |
FirstName | |
LastName | |
Name | Full name (FirstName and LastName) |
Active | true/false |
BirthDate | |
SsoId | Unique Id which is liked to the SSO system (if applicable) |
Email | |
Gender | M(ale), F(emale) |
LanguageCode | ISO Code |
Mobile | |
OnlineAdmin | true/false |
OptIn_Commercial | opt-in for commercial emails |
OptIn_Informational | opt-in for iXpole transactional emails |
Phone | |
TicketRole | role used for VIP Online access: - N(one) - T(icket) - A(ll) |
Title | Mr., Ms., ... |
IsDefault | true/false |
Function | |
CustomerCode | Unique code of the customer |
CustomerName | |
CustomerTaxCode | |
CustomerContactId | Unique Id for the contact |
CustomerId | Unique Id for the customer |
Comments | Free inputfield |