The Account configuration section of the Account Overview Record is a key elements to store and find the standardised information regarding your Accounts

After reading this article, you will know which information are located there and how to consult them. 

Let's get you started

This section, located at the bottom-left of the record, is made up of 5 different tabs:

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Contact Persons

You can find here all the Contacts Persons attached to this Account. If you wish to know more about Contacts, you can read all about it in the dedicated section Contacts Persons - Getting Started.


This is where you can create one or several addresses for each Account. Adresses are mandatory when registering a Sale in iXpole. 
If you wish to know more about Addresses, you can read all about it in the dedicated section Configuring Adresses

Extra info

This section allows you to fill some additional information related to this Account such as the one below:

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This is where you can find the User Defined Fields you have created as well as indicate the Pricelist attached to this Account
Please refer to the dedicated articles:
VIP Online

This section allows you to setup the rights and email settings related to the Account.
If you wish to go further, please refer to the dedicated articles:

Bu using the drag-and-drop feature or by clicking on Choose a file, you can store here any document relevant to the Account: proposal, pictures, presentation, etc.