When a Wallet has been created and configured, it is ready to be sold. At the moment of Sale you will have to decide how many Credits you load into the Wallet
After reading this article you will understand how to register the sale of a Wallet and what decisions you have to make during the Sale to properly load it with Credits.
Let's get you started
Below we will run you through the following 3 steps you have to take when selling a Wallet:
- Adding the Wallet to the Sale
- Charging Credits into the Wallet
- Setting the value of the Sale
- Finalise the Sale
1. Adding the Wallet to the Sale
A Wallet is not more than a Catalog Product, but with additional On Demand configuration. Just like any other Catalog Product the Wallet will be sold in a Season Sale. There are different ways to start a Season Sale.
Once you are in the Season Sale input screen, you can sell the Wallet by clicking on
and then Add
.Next you select the Wallet you want to sell from the drop down list of Products.
2. Charging Credits into the Wallet
When you have added the Wallet to the Sale, you can determine the number of Credits to be charged in the Wallet
The number you fill in here will have to correspond with the specific nature of the Wallet:
- If it is a
Wallet, you will have to specify the number of Credits your customer is buying in this Sale. E.g. 10 credits, 50 credits, ... - If it is an
Wallet, you will have to specify the Amount you are charging into this Wallet for your customer to spend on different products. The number you fill in here has to represent the amount (in Euros). E.g. 300 (€), 1000(€), ....
In our example, the 'Upsell Credit' Wallet is an Amount Wallet so we are charging a Credit of 1,100€
3. Setting the value of the Sale
Now that you have determined how many Credits you have charged into the Wallet, it is time to determine the value of the Wallet.
Note:The actual value of the Credits you charge into the Wallet doesn't necessarily have to conform to the value of the Sale. This is a sales decision.
- The most logical approach is to sell the Wallet at its face value. E.g. 2,000€ Credits are sold for 2,000€
- But you could also decide differently, e.g.
- Sell 11 meal Credits for the price of 10
- Charge the Wallet with 1,000€ but price it at 900€ to reward the person for his upfront investment.
In our example we will charge the 'Upsell Credit' Wallet with 1,100€ but invoice the customer only 1,000€.
As the value of the 'Upsell Credits' Wallet is set at 100€, we will be selling 10 units of 100€ to come to an amount of 1,100€
This customer gets a 100€ bonus for paying upfront, or 11 units of 100€ instead of 10 units.
The line that is reflected in the Sale is the line containing the sales value of the Wallet (1,000€), i.e. the value that will appear on the Invoice.
when checking the Usage of this Wallet, you will notice that the value in the Wallet is 1,100€ and not 1,000€.
4. Finalise the Sale
Just like any other Sale, you will have to make sure it is saved as