Every Event is unique. This means that you might want to propose different Hospitality Formulas in different  Hospitality Locations, each with different capacities per Event.  
Before you can put hospitality services (like Hospitality Formulas or Packages) up for sale for a certain Event you will have to configure these different hospitality services. 

After reading this article you will understand the different steps required to configure Hospitality Formulas.

Let's get you started.

Before configuring a Hospitality Formula, you need to know where to find the Hospitality Formulas in iXpole. When you have found the overview of Hospitality Formulas for a specific Event, you can configure the Hospitality Formulas:

  1. how to create a Hospitality Formula
  2. how to modify a Hospitality Formula
  3. how to remove a Hospitality Formula

1. Creating a Hospitality Formula

2. Modifying a Hospitality Formula
In the Hospitality Formulas overview, click on the Hospitality Formula you want to modify. The Hospitality Formula configuration form will open. Modify the fields you want to modify and click Save.

3. Removing a Hospitality Formula
In the Hospitality Formulas overview, click on the Hospitality Formula you want to remove. The Hospitality Formula configuration form will open. Click on Actions and then Remove.
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