The objective of registering a Sale in iXpole is twofold. On the one hand you want to keep track of all Sales and the revenue related to it, so that you can perform accurate reporting related to your revenues. On the other hand you will register a Sale in iXpole to ensure a whole series of actions can be automated. It can happen that a Sale that was registered does not reflect the reality, either because you made a mistake during the process of registering the Sale or because something has changed. In that case you will want to modify the Sale. In most cases this will be possible, but in other cases not. The extent to which you are able to modify a Sale will first of all depend on the status of the Sale
After reading this article you will understand how the status 'Draft' versus 'Final' of a Sale has impact on what you can or can not modify to a Sale that has been registered in the system.
Let's get you started.
The status of a Sale will have an important impact on what you can or can not modify in a Sale