Cancelling (part of) a Sale is the advised approach to reduce the number of items in your Sale or to cancel the Sale entirely. For Users with certain rights there exists another option: removing a Sale. This action differs a lot from a cancellation and has important consequences. It is important to understand the difference between both.
After reading this article you will understand the difference between cancelling a Sale and removing a Sale. You will understand who is able to perform the remove action and what the consequences (and risks) are.
Let's get you started
- What happens when you remove a Sale?
- Who can remove a Sale?
- How to remove a Sale?
1. What happens when you remove a Sale?
Removing a Sale is a more risky operation than cancelling a Sale. When you remove a Sale, the Sale will be wiped from the system entirely. There will be no more trace of this Sale anywhere.
If any Invoice Documents had been created and/or Payments had been received, all of this information will be lost. This can lead to a desynchronisation between your iXpole system and your accounting system.
We strongly recommend to always use the cancel option to ensure there is a trace in the system of the cancellation. Only use the remove action in very exceptional and specific cases (when no Invoice Documents have been created and no trace of the Sale is required).
2. Who can remove a Sale?
As the option to remove a Sale is an option that needs to be managed with caution, the right to do so is reserved only for Users who have the rights of a root User on the sales module

3. How to remove a Sale?
If you have the proper rights (see 2.) removing a Sale is extremely simple. So act with caution!
Go into the Sales record, click on the
button. Select Remove
and confirm your choice when asked to do so.