When you can automate your VIP Operations with iXpole you achieve a major objective, which is to unburden your team from tedious tasks.

But what if you could take automation one step further? What if you could delegate a lot of the work to your customers? What if you had an online tool enabling maximal self-service for your customers?

Discover the VIP Portal

With this article we aim to give you a good understanding about the drivers behind the VIP Portal and what exactly it is. This is only an introduction. You will find out much more by reading the other articles about the VIP Portal.

Let's get you started

In this article we’ll give an answer to the 2 most important questions

  1. Why did iXpole develop the VIP Portal?
  2. What is the VIP Portal?


 The VIP Portal was developed to allow iXpole customers (clubs and event organisers) to offer as many self-service options to their business partners as possible.

The goal of the VIP Portal is to answer to 3 distinct needs:

  • The possibility for a Contact to manage his experience: ticket management, invitee management, guest management
  • The possibility for a Contact to order (additional) goods or services online in full self-service mode.
  • The possibility for the iXpole operator to optimally manage the relationship with his customers.


The iXpole VIP Portal is a self-service online customer portal. With the proper rights, each Contact, configured in the iXpole Back-Office can get a secure and personalised access to the VIP Portal.

 What the VIP Portal user will get to see will depend on

  • The rights that have been assigned to him
  • The information that the iXpole users decide to make available
  • The configuration of the VIP Portal as set in the iXpole Back Office

You can compare the iXpole VIP Portal to an online personalised customer portal like other suppliers offer: e-banking, insurance, utilities, telco suppliers.

It is the personal online zone where a supplier can inform or transact with his customers.

If you want to find out more we advice you to start with this Knowledge Base article.