Ticket management makes it possible to manage tickets efficiently: you can download the tickets, assign guests to them, distribute the tickets to guests in a personalized way via e-mail, deliver the tickets via e-mail to a single contact person, and so on. Recently, we launched the VIP Portal. The graphical user interface underwent a nice metamorphosis, some new functionalities have been added, and some existing functionalities have been modified. One of these new functionalities is the 'host-concept'. 

This article discusses the host-concept on the VIP Portal

Let's get you started!

In the ticket management screen, you'll find a completely new layout. Especially the renewed function bar (which also follows the page while scrolling down) and the shape of the tickets ('cards') stand out. When you click the pencil in the upperright corner of the card, a window pops up which allows you to 'configure' your ticket

The 'Select host' feature is actually a feature planned for the future: the idea is to use this feature soon to assign a contact person from the company to the ticket and share information with him when his guest has entered or arrived at, for example, the parking lot. For now, however, this feature has no further functionality. We will keep you informed!