In order to better serve your clients, iXpole allows you to use the concept of "Best Seat Available". When buying Tickets online, your clients will automatically have assigned the best seats of the section to them. Which allows them to receive their Tickets right after confirming their purchase.
After reading this article you will know how to set up the best seat for every section of your venue.
Let's get you started
Please note that even if the Best Seat Available is applied, you can always choose to manually confirm the seats before sending the tickets to your clients.
You first need to access your venue plan by clicking on
Calendar >> Venues >> Map
. Then, click on the Venue Plan you want to update. You arrive in the venue manager page. Now, you need to go on the right part, under Sections and choose the Section you want to update.
Then, on the left, under the Properties section, you can choose which seat is the best for this section.
Then, click on
Actions >> Best Seat Available >> Yes >> Save
to apply this new setting.Remember to to do this for every section of your iXpole account in order for the algorithm to be accurate when picking up seats.