By registering all the entitlements of an Account into a Sale, iXpole will have a total view on all these entitlements and other related information. This will allow iXpole to automate a whole series of actions so that you no longer have to perform this work manually.
In this article we will give a brief overview of all the automated processes that can take place in iXpole as a consequence of grouping entitlements into a Sale.
Let's get you started
Below is a drawing that aims at explaining the importance of the sales registration process in iXpole.
Once all data has been grouped in a Sale, the system will/can initiate a whole series of automated processes/activities.

It is impossible to provide an exhaustive list of the tasks that are automated in iXpole once a Sale is registered, but here is already a list that gives you a good idea:
- Inventory management: resources with a limited inventory (e.g. Seats, Parking, ...) will be reserved for a specific Account (for 1 or more Seasons or 1 or more Calendar Items), so that it is impossible to sell the same resources a second time to another Account. This is an automated process.
- Document automation: iXpole can complete pre-configured contracts, order forms or other documents with all the information related to the Sale. This way you can automatically generate these documents for your Account and (optionally) give the Account the option to sign the document digitally. This is an automated process.
- Messaging: depending on the rights of the Account (what has been purchased) iXpole will send automated messages to improve the customer journey of the Contact Persons. Messages can be related to order confirmations, Seat assignments, ... Or one can program fully automated mail campaigns targeted at specific Accounts with specific rights. E.g. 3 weeks before a Calendar Item, send a message to everyone who has tickets for this Calendar Item and is seated in this specific part of the Venue. This is an automated process.
- Contextual ticketing: As the system knows exactly what each Account is entitled to, it is capable of enriching the tickets will all this information. We call this 'Contextual Ticketing', meaning that the content of each ticket will depend on the context. Not only will iXpole enrich the tickets, it will also automatically make them available to the Contact Persons of the Account on the VIP Portal where they can manage them in full self-service. This is an automated process.
- VIP Desk: All the information that was registered in a Sale will also be linked to the Tickets that are generated from that Sale. As a consequence it is possible to get a clear overview of these rights by scanning the Tickets with the VIP Desk app. The VIP Desk can be made available to hospitality personnel so that they no longer need lists to guide the Guests upon arrival in the Venue. Downloading all of this information into the VIP Desk is an automated process.