When you register a Sale in iXpole a whole series of processes will be triggered automatically. Apart from automated processes, there are a couple of other interesting consequences resulting from the registration of a Sale.

In this article we will give you an overview of a couple of other interesting consequences of registering a Sale in iXpole

Let's get you started

Below are the most interesting ones we like to highlight

  1. Invoicing
  2. Reporting
  3. API's for data exchange with external systems

1. Invoicing

Although iXpole is not an invoicing system, it is definitely instrumental in the correct management of invoicing. Before you can finalise a Sale in iXpole you will always have to configure the Invoices.

By configuring the amount and date of the different Invoices that have to be generated, iXpole can prepare valuable information to allow the invoicing system to generate invoices with the proper details on the proper dates.

The information exchange between iXpole and the invoicing system can be manual or automated (see 3.)

2. Reporting

Since the system registers all relevant information related to a Sale and the ensuing rights of the Account and ticketholder, all this information can be restructured digitally.

This allows a User to generate insightful dynamic Reports. Every time something changes, the Reports will be updated accordingly. 

In the iXpole Back Office you can find an extensive library of standard Reports or you can manually create your own Reports. A third option is to use the Semantic Layer to extract data from iXpole and represent it in your own BI (Business Intelligence) tool.

3. API's for data exchange with external systems

All the data stored in iXpole can be exchanged with external systems (in both directions) via API's. 

Typical systems to exchange data with are:
  • PSP (Payment Service Provider) - to enable online payments on the VIP Portal or VIP Booker
  • Access Control systems - to ensure tickets generated in iXpole can be managed by the access control system
  • Invoicing systems (see 1.)
  • External CRM
  • ...