Registering a Sale in iXpole lies at the basis of all, if not most, automated operations in the platform. It is therefore extremely important to register your Sale correctly. To correctly generate a Sale you'll have to make sure all data you need to input the Sale is configured correctly.

In this article you will find some sort of checklist to help you determine whether all elements in iXpole have been configured correctly to register a Sale

Here's the overview

Before you can input a Sale correctly in iXpole you'll have to make sure that:

  1. The Venue has been configured (Seats and/or Parking spots exist)
  2. The Account has been created and a default Contact Person has been configured
  3. All Products have been configured 
  4. All prices have been set correctly, including different price lists
  5. Hospitality has been configured
  6. Sales Documents have been configured
  7. Mailing templates have been configured correctly
  8. Tickets have been configured correctly