It can happen that one Account has different Wallets of different registration types or restricted to certain Product Groups. If you then register a Back Office Sale of different Products in one sale, it can become complex to subtract the proper Credits from the proper Wallets. To help you with this, we developed a feature called 'Automatic Assignment'
After reading this article you will understand what 'Automatic Assignment' does and in which cases it can be used.
Let's get you started
Imagine the following situation:
- Your customer has a Quantity Wallet for Seats
- Your customer has an Amount Wallet for Hospitality
You register a match day/event day sale for him of Seats, Parking and Hospitality.
In the Sale screen there is a drop down list with all Wallets linked to this Account.
to avoid you having to select different Wallets, you can just select the option Automatic Assignment.
iXpole will deduct the necessary amounts or quantities from the relevant Wallets and will calculate the remaining value to be paid.