If you sell a new Wallet to your customer at the start of every season, you could end up with confusing situations where your customers have multiple active Wallets. To reduce the number of Wallets, it is possible to transfer Credits from one Wallet to another.
After reading this article you will understand the steps you have to take to transfer Credits from one Wallet to another, thus emptying the first Wallet.
Let's get you started
Note:Credits can only be transferred between Wallets of the same Registration Type and belonging to the same Product Group. E.g. it is impossible to transfer Seats (Quantity) to an Amount based Wallet
Go to the individual usage Report of the Wallet you want to "Top Up"
Click on
Transfer from another Wallet
A pop-up window will open.
From the drop down list of Wallets belonging to this customer, click on the Wallet you want to 'drain', i.e. draw Credits from.
There is a comments field in which you can put notes related to this operation.
Click on
. The Credits will be transferred from one Wallet to another.