When registering your customer's On Demand spending in the Back Office there could be scenarios where you don't deem it necessary to log a full sale, but just want to make sure there is a trace of the usage of his Credits.  

After reading this article you will understand how to perform a manual registration of an On Demand spend in the Back Office

Let's get you started

A typical use case of a manual registration would be where you quickly register a Sale and overwrite the value of the Sale to 0€. This will ensure that the Products have been correctly assigned to the Account. However, they have not yet been paid for. To make sure they are paid for you can manually deduct an Amount of a Quantity from a Wallet.

To do a manual registration you should always start from the On Demand usage overview of the specific Wallet.

In the individual On Demand usage Report, click on Add manual registration
You will get a pop up where you can fill in the following fields to link to this registration:

  • Amount - Fill in how many Credits you want to deduct from the Wallet
  • Calendar Item - Select a Calendar Item if you want to link this spend to a specific Calendar Item
  • Comments - you can add comments if desired. These comments will be reflected in the On Demand usage report.

Image Placeholder

When you are done, click on Save
The spend will now be logged in the On Demand usage overview, but no Sale hes created.