What is the iXpole File Uploader

The iXpole File Uploader is a small program that our customers can use to automatically exchange files between their system and the iXpole platform.

It is often used to import the invoice pdf's into iXpole. In doing so, the users of iXpole can consult the invoices that were sent to the customers and don't have to turn to the finance department anymore for this information. 

The program is a simple executable file (.exe) for use in a windows environment.

If you want to use the iXpole File Uploader we highly recommend involving your IT infrastructure specialist. 

Before you start below activities make sure to coordinate the efforts between your specialist and 
the iXpole support department. Contact us at support@ixpole.com to plan below efforts


Locate the 'config.json' configuration file and open it.
Inside this file there will be two paths:

  • "folder_in" - this is where you specify the path to the "IN" folder, i.e. the folder where you will deposit the files that need to be uploaded into iXpole
  • "folder_archive" - this is where you specify the path to the "ARCHIVE" folder, i.e. the folder where the Uploader will move the file once it has been successfully uploaded into iXpole.


  • For exchange of invoices in pdf, make sure that the file name of each pdf  is exactly the 'invoice number' with the extension '.pdf'
  • Do NOT create subfolders in the "IN" folder!
  • If "archive_in_years_months" is set to true, then the File Uploader will automatically organise the "ARCHIVE" folder in subfolders per year and per month. 

Scheduling the exchanges

Set up a task in the Windows Scheduler to run the iXpoleFileUploader.exe at regular intervals.
Once this is activated, the program will -at each run- 
  • check if there are files in the "IN" folder and, if so, upload them into iXpole. It will link it to the installment in iXpole, which is where the iXpole user can consult the pdf
  • Move the files to the "ARCHIVE" folder after they have been uploaded successfully.