Many iXpole customers prefer offering Hospitality services on a recurring basis. If this is the case, there is no real point in asking the customers to select their Hospitality Formula prior to each event. In such a case some degree of automated assigning of Hospitality Formulas to the customers, is desirable.

After reading this article you'll understand the concept of Autoconfirm and how it works.

Let's get you started.

Autoconfirm is an automated mechanism that will assign each Hospitality Subscription automatically to a Hospitality Formula. Autoconfirm enables you to automatically book Hospitality Formulas for each VIP who has a Hospitality Subscription linked to a Subscription or Pack that entitles this VIP to a Ticket for this Event.

In iXpole, you create different Hospitality Formulas per Event. It is then possible to put these formulas up for sale in the VIP Online

However, some customers have decided at the beginning of the year/season, that they want a certain level of hospitality services for each and every Event. They did this by committing upfront to a specific Hospitality Subscription. This Hospitality Subscription will give them the right to order one or more Hospitality Formulas which you have linked to their Hospitality Subscription.

Nevertheless, it is possible that you do not want to burden these customers with confirmations prior to each event.

In that case you want to automatically link each Hospitality Subscription to a certain Hospitality Formula. If you mark this Hospitality Formula as Autoconfirm, then iXpole will automatically assign this Hospitality Formula to each VIP who has this Hospitality Subscription

It is perfectly possible to link a Hospitality Subscription to different Hospitality Formulas. In this case Autoconfirm will link the Hospitality Subscription to the FIRST Hospitality Formula in the database which is linked to this Hospitality Subscription.In other words, Autoconfirm might not work as expected if you link multiple Hospitality Formulas to the same Hospitality Subscription.