Hospitality Formulas and Hospitality Subscriptions can be linked to specific Hospitality Locations

In this article we will explain to you how to configure a Hospitality Location.

Let's get you started.

In this article we teach you:

  1. where to find the Hospitality Locations
  2. how to create a Hospitality Location
  3. how to modify/remove a Hospitality Location

1. Finding a Hospitality Location

Click on Hospitality in the left-side vertical main menu. The Hospitality screen will show. First you will see the Hospitality Formulas, then the Hospitality Packages. Next the Hospitality Locations

You will see that they are ordered per Hospitality Location Type (in alphabetical order)

2. Creating a Hospitality Location

If the required Hospitality Location is not in the table, you will have to create it by clicking on Add.
  • Under Description write the name you want to give to this Hospitality Location
  • If this Hospitality Location has limited capacity, this is where you can specify it.
  • Finally, make sure to select the Hospitality Location Type you want to assign to this Hospitality Location.
Image Placeholder

Don't forget to click on Save when you are done

3. Modifying/removing a Hospitality Location

Locate the Hospitality Location in the Hospitality Location view (see 1.) Click on it.
  • Modify what needs to be modified and click on Save
  •  Or click on Actions >>  Remove