Before you can start configuring Hospitality in iXpole you should understand the different concepts and the relationship between them. 

In this article we'll explain when you need to configure which part of the Hospitality services in  iXpole. The real 'How to' will be explained in subsequent articles

Let's get you started

To correctly automate hospitality services in iXpole, one needs to configure different parts in iXpole. There are 2 main configuration moments, each with their own deadline:

  1. Before the start of a new Season/year
  2. Before every Event

Before the start of a new Season or year, most sports clubs try to sell as many subscriptions as possible. In the case of VIP subscriptions, chances are that you'll want to sell Hospitality services linked to these VIP subscriptions. 
In that case, you will have to sell a Hospitality Subscription together with the Seat Subscription or Pack. This means that you will need to finalise the configuration of your Hospitality Subscriptions (and related pricing) before you can start selling your Seat Subscriptions (or Packs).

Every Event is unique. This means that you might want to propose different Hospitality Formulas in different  Hospitality Locations, each with different capacities per Event.  
Before you can put hospitality services (like Hospitality Formulas or Packages) up for sale for a certain Event you will have to create/configure these different hospitality services. 
In other words, at least a couple of weeks before an Event, you have to make sure the Hospitality configuration for that Event has been completed.