In this step, you need to configure the settings which will be used for the newly created sales. 

Sales settings
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The settings above will be applied to each sales order which will be created. The instalment date is mandatory.

Create as addendum
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When this checkbox is checked, the newly created sales will be created as an addendum sales under the selected parent sales. If you don't select this checkbox, the sales will be created as a new independent sales.

Online checkout

This option only becomes available if you have chosen the Calendar Type: Event in Step 3: Calendar

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When you have activated this option, the system will create the orders with payment option Online Checkout. This means that your account needs to confirm, and potentionally pay, his order online via the VIP Portal.

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Optionally you can choose to set a date until when your customer has the time to do so. Next to the date, you should also provide an action. The action will be executed on the configured date, when your customer did not confirm the order:

  • Remove: the order will be removed completely
  • Offline: the order will become invissible for your customer online, but in the backoffice it still remains.