With On Demand you are granting Credits to your customers. To properly follow up on their spending it can be useful to to check the usage of a particular Wallet of a particular Account

After reading this article you will understand how to check the usage of the Credits you have sold. Either for all Accounts and all Wallets or for an individual customer.

Let's get you started

There are 2 ways to check the usage of On Demand Credits

  1. On Demand Usage Report
  2. Individual usage per Account

1. On Demand Usage Report

In the left vertical menu click on Reports.
The Reports overview page will open.
In the search bar type 'Demand'
The system will show you an overview of all the Reports related to On Demand
In the Standard Reports section click on the On Demand products usage report.

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This Report shows you an overview of all On Demand Wallets sold and their usage.
Using the Filters on the left side you can fine tune the Report to your specific needs.

2. Individual Usage Report

Go to the Account Overview Sheet. click on the On Demand tab in the bottom right corner.
You will get an overview of all the Wallets sold to this Account.

I you don't see the Wallet you are looking for, click on the Filter icon. Maybe your filter is too strict. Adjust the Filters if necessary. Remember that there is a setting 'Don't show in report' in the Wallet configuration that enables you not to show a certain Wallet by default in this Report.

Click on the Sales reference related to the Wallet you want to use.
You will be directed to the Sales Overview page.
Click on Catalog and locate the Wallet that was sold to this Account
At the right side you will see a clickable text Actions.
Click on Actions and then click on Usage

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This overview will show you all the activity that has been logged on this specific Wallet: how much was charged into the Wallet; what was spent and if Credits were transferred to or from this Wallet.