A CRM (Customer Relationship Manager) allows you to manage all the interactions and information related to your prospects and customers.
Even if iXpole is not a platform entirely dedicated to CRM features, managing your Contacts and their history with your company falls into this category.
After reading this article, you will understand the CRM features related to Contacts and how you can use them.
Let's get you started
Contact information:
When you open an Account record, on the bottom-left, you can see the list of Contact Persons attached to this Account.
This is where you can store all the contact information for this Contact.
When you click on the Contact's name, this open a page with all the following information:

If you click on
, you can edit and consult the Contact communication preferences.- Informational: If this option is not checked, this User will not receive any emails you mark as informational in your Email Campaigns.
- Commercial: If this option is not checked, this User will not receive any emails you mark as commercial in your Email Campaigns.
You can also see the list of Email Campaigns this Contact has received, opened and clicked on.
Please be careful not to force a choice a Contact has already made in order to remain RGPD compliant.
Contact history:
If you want to keep track and read all about your past interactions with a Contact, you first need to go to the right part of the Account page.
You can log the following elements, each of them with a dedicated contact:
- Note
- Call
- Task
- Activity
Once one of this action has been logged, you can find it under Actions, right below.